Showing 13 - 21 of 21 results

REKA Annual Conference 2022

On June 28, the Russia and Eastern Europe Knowledge Alliance (REKA) organised an online event titled A new reality in Eastern Europe. We discussed this new reality with representatives of knowledge institutions, the government and media in the Netherlands. Because what are the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for both countries, Europe as a whole and the Netherlands in particular? Both the opening session and the panel discussion were livestreamed from 14:00 until 15:30.

Keynote by Ukrainian Deputy MFA Emine Dzhaparova

Ms. Dzhaparova will address Ukraine's bid for EU candidacy status, Dutch-Ukraine relations, and the current situation in Ukraine, including the Crimean Peninsula.
The Clingendael Institute

De Russische invasie in media

We leven in media. Alle aspecten van ons leven hebben op de een of andere manier te maken met media. Zo ook oorlog. Deze avond licht hoogleraar Mediastudies Mark Deuze toe op welke manieren media een rol spelen in de oorlog in Oekraïne.
Spui 25

.ua discussions

The .ua discussion Series aims to counter the information deficit that exists in the Netherlands about Ukraine and provide students and general public with a reliable commentary on Ukraine’s history, culture, society and politics.
Room D0.08 and online via Zoom

The EU and its Eastern Neighbourhood

A series of discussions over a full day looking at the EU's relations with its eastern neighbourhood, and its Eastern Partnership Initiative.
The Hague Humanity Hub
Press freedom

October Lecture by Galina Timchenko

On October 25th, Raam op Rusland will be organizing the fifth annual October Lecture together with debate center Rode Hoed. This year, Galina Timchenko of Russian news website Meduza will be shedding light on the deteriorating state of press freedom in Russia. The lecture will be followed by a debate with the Moscow-based Dutch journalist and publisher Derk Sauer.
De Rode Hoed Amsterdam