Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Oekraïne in de EU: geopolitieke en economische kansen

Namens de Rusland & Oost-Europa Kennis Alliantie (REKA) nodigen wij u graag uit voor het symposium Oekraïne in de EU: geopolitieke en economische kansen op maandag 4 maart aanstaande van 12:30 uur tot 16:30 uur in Internationaal Perscentrum Nieuwspoort in Den Haag.

Course on Russian Religious Philosophy

Given the current geo-political situation, have you wondered which philosophers influenced Putin's perspective on Russia? Additionally, what alternatives does Russian thought offer to his "Russian World" ideology? Come explore the religious-philosophical sources which contribute to this discussion and the role of religion in present-day Russia, by joining the course Russian Religious Philosophy in the Silver Age.
Radboud University Nijmegen

REKA Annual Conference 2022

On June 28, the Russia and Eastern Europe Knowledge Alliance (REKA) organised an online event titled A new reality in Eastern Europe. We discussed this new reality with representatives of knowledge institutions, the government and media in the Netherlands. Because what are the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for both countries, Europe as a whole and the Netherlands in particular? Both the opening session and the panel discussion were livestreamed from 14:00 until 15:30.

Keynote by Ukrainian Deputy MFA Emine Dzhaparova

Ms. Dzhaparova will address Ukraine's bid for EU candidacy status, Dutch-Ukraine relations, and the current situation in Ukraine, including the Crimean Peninsula.
The Clingendael Institute

Clingendael Leest: Gronings Goud van Wendelmoet Boersema

Het conflict in Oekraïne vestigt de aandacht wederom op het Groningse ‘goud’, het gas dat de Nederlandse afhankelijkheid van Rusland zou kunnen verminderen. Wat is de geschiedenis achter de barsten en de breuken waaronder de provincie Groningen zo te lijden heeft?
Het Nutshuis