Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results

Workshop 'Interethnic relations in times of wars: the case of Georgian/Abkhaz and Armenian/Azerbaijani relations'

Abkhaz, Armenians, Azerbaijani and Georgians have long co-existed in a region framed as the South Caucasus. These different ethnic categories result from socio-political constructions that are rarely questioned. Playing a pivotal role in the wars that have unfolded in the region, ethnic categorization is particularly central in shaping current antagonizations. Since the late 1980s, the coexistence of differently ethnicised populations in the South Caucasus has been deeply challenged by a series of conflicts, wars and pogroms. Since 24 February 2022, the co-existence of Abkhaz, Armenians, Azerbaijani and Georgians has been unfolding against the backdrop of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, bringing an additional layer of complexity.
United Nations University-CRIS (Bruges)

Oekraïne in de EU: geopolitieke en economische kansen

Namens de Rusland & Oost-Europa Kennis Alliantie (REKA) nodigen wij u graag uit voor het symposium Oekraïne in de EU: geopolitieke en economische kansen op maandag 4 maart aanstaande van 12:30 uur tot 16:30 uur in Internationaal Perscentrum Nieuwspoort in Den Haag.

De toekomst van Oekraïne begint nu

Op maandag 30 oktober organiseert Raam op Rusland, in samenwerking met De Rode Hoed, de zevende Oktoberlezing. Net als vorig jaar wordt de lezing ook dit jaar gegeven door een Oekraïense gast: Daria Kaleniuk van het Anti-corruptie Actiecentrum (AntAC) uit Kyiv.
Rode Hoed

A Way Forward, Beyond Essentialis

Dialogue between Szilvia Nagy (Central European University) and Prof dr. Madina Tlostanova (Linköping University)

Relaunching decoloniality in/for the 21st century

Lecture series on Decolonial and Postcolonial perspectives on the Eastern (of) Europe. Keynote by Prof Dr. Madina Tlostanova (Linköping University).
Auditorium Marc Maes

Migration, coloniality and racism

Lecture series on Decolonial and Postcolonial perspectives on the Eastern (of) Europe. Keynote by Prof Dr. Dace Dzenovska (University of Oxford).
De Krook

Language, knowledge production, and representation

Lecture series on Decolonial and Postcolonial perspectives on the Eastern (of) Europe. Keynote by Prof Dr. Grazina Bielousova (University College London)
De Krook

REKA Annual Conference 2022

On June 28, the Russia and Eastern Europe Knowledge Alliance (REKA) organised an online event titled A new reality in Eastern Europe. We discussed this new reality with representatives of knowledge institutions, the government and media in the Netherlands. Because what are the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for both countries, Europe as a whole and the Netherlands in particular? Both the opening session and the panel discussion were livestreamed from 14:00 until 15:30.