Debate 'The EU and Central Asia Interactions: Perceptions, Interests and Practices'

Eureast Platform Ghent University

Oil production in Kazakhstan
From limited interactions in the early 1990s, the EU and Central Asia now consider each other to be increasingly important.
The speakers in this roundtable will discuss many aspects of EU-Central Asia interactions:
- In what ways does Central Asia fall under the broader external relations and security agenda of the EU, and vice-versa?
- Why exactly do the EU and Central Asia matter to each other?
- How do various EU and Central Asian actors approach this cooperation?
- And can Central Asia be an alternative energy supplier for energy crisis-struck Europe?
- Prof. Fabienne Bossuyt (Ghent University, Belgium)
- Dr. Shairbek Dzhuraev (Director of Crossroads Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan)
- Dr. Paolo Sorbello (Editor at, Kazakhstan)
Dr. Karolina Kluczewska (Ghent University)
This event is organised by the Eureast Platform’s Knowledge Centre “Via Caspiae”.
Hybrid event: in Ghent OR online via MS Teams.
Open to all but registration required. Please register before Tuesday 27 June, 23:59 CET.
Register for the event through the website of Ghent University.
Room John Vincke (3rd floor), Campus UTO Technicum
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent