Showing 1 - 12 of 16 results

189th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) - EU enlargement by (post-)war Ukraine: Implications for the Agri-Food Markets

The seminar intends to bring a broad range of research disciplines together to discuss the effects of the Russian war against Ukraine on the agricultural sector in Ukraine, the EU, and non-EU countries. Further, the seminar aims at discussing the results of the scenario analyses of the economic impact of a further integration of Ukraine into European agri-food markets. The seminar offers a platform to exchange ideas and generate an integrated view of agricultural potential, value chain development, and public policy in the broad European context. The seminar primarily addresses the scientific community but is also open to decision-makers in business, politics, and NGOs, including the donor community.
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland

2nd Conference on Energy transition, Sustainability and Inclusive Development in Central Asia 2024

Europe and Central Asia are linked by decades of commodity trade, but also by developing climate cooperation. Yet Central Asia plays a limited role in the European public debate on global climate change and energy transition. Both global and local energy transitions pose significant challenges for Central Asia, given its rapidly growing population, ageing infrastructure, heavy dependence on fossil fuels and climate change. At the same time, the transition to renewable energy and the development of hydrogen production and net zero value chains offer new opportunities for all countries in the region. The conference is designed to attract a broad audience, including researchers, policy makers and members of civil society.
Press Club Brussels Europe

Eastsplainers #10: Academia

Get ready for the March programme of Eastsplainers! In this final edition of Eastsplainers we devote our attention to academia and the knowledge production in Central and Eastern Europe, and in Ukraine in particular.

The Samarkand Cotton Mill that Very Nearly Was

This paper offers a rebuttal to the long-standing narrative about a prohibition on the development of cotton mills in Tsarist Central Asia.
Johan Huizinga

Celebrating Platform Oosters Christendom's 1-year anniversary

On Friday 16 June 2023, the Institute for Eastern Christian Studies (IvOC) celebrates the first anniversary of the Platform Oosters Christendom. There is a uniquely interactive programme designed around the theme “Orthodoxy on the move”, complete with short seminars and a panel discussion with renowned speakers.
Open Universiteit Nijmegen, room 1.10 (1st floor)

Lecture 'Milestones Toward an Independent Ukraine, 1944-2022'

Prof. David R. Marples will speak about Ukraine's modern history. The lecture covers the various manifestations of Ukrainian self-assertion and aspirations toward independence and democracy from the end of WW2.
Campus Boekentoren, auditorium M

Regional Platforms networking event 2022

Mark this date and join us to learn all there is to know about the activities and goals of the five Platforms: Africa, ASEAN+, CESAM (Latin America), China and Russia. Their central ambition is to bring people together to stimulate academic cooperation in their respective regions.
Het Pand