Showing 1 - 12 of 38 results
Civil society

Woman Against the Kremlin: Anti-War Conference and Art Exhibition

Join The Moscow Times for Women Against the Kremlin, a groundbreaking event uniting leading women politicians, activists, artists and more from the anti-war, anti-Kremlin movement. Together, they will address these challenges and showcase their strength, resilience and commitment to change.
de Rode Hoed

Movie screening: The Dmitriev Affair

The film tells the poignant story of Russian human rights activist Yuri Dmitriev and his quest to uncover the truth about Stalin’s “Great Purge” campaign of 1937.
European Parliament

Studiedag Levende Talen Russisch

We mogen inmiddels van een gevestigde traditie spreken, de jaarlijkse Studiedag van Levende Talen Russisch. Voor 2024 staat weer een prachtig programma voor u klaar, dit keer zelfs met een plenaire lezing in het Russisch.

2nd Conference on Energy transition, Sustainability and Inclusive Development in Central Asia 2024

Europe and Central Asia are linked by decades of commodity trade, but also by developing climate cooperation. Yet Central Asia plays a limited role in the European public debate on global climate change and energy transition. Both global and local energy transitions pose significant challenges for Central Asia, given its rapidly growing population, ageing infrastructure, heavy dependence on fossil fuels and climate change. At the same time, the transition to renewable energy and the development of hydrogen production and net zero value chains offer new opportunities for all countries in the region. The conference is designed to attract a broad audience, including researchers, policy makers and members of civil society.
Press Club Brussels Europe

Course on Russian Religious Philosophy

Given the current geo-political situation, have you wondered which philosophers influenced Putin's perspective on Russia? Additionally, what alternatives does Russian thought offer to his "Russian World" ideology? Come explore the religious-philosophical sources which contribute to this discussion and the role of religion in present-day Russia, by joining the course Russian Religious Philosophy in the Silver Age.
Radboud University Nijmegen

EASTSPLAINERS #9 // Film & Documentary

In the November edition of Eastsplainers, we explore cinematic representations of Central and Eastern Europe.

Eastsplainers #8: Performing Arts

For this session, we welcome Kasia Lech, Igone de Jongh, and Anna Seidl as our guests, who will address the challenges encountered by art performers during their migration experiences.

De toekomst van Oekraïne begint nu

Op maandag 30 oktober organiseert Raam op Rusland, in samenwerking met De Rode Hoed, de zevende Oktoberlezing. Net als vorig jaar wordt de lezing ook dit jaar gegeven door een Oekraïense gast: Daria Kaleniuk van het Anti-corruptie Actiecentrum (AntAC) uit Kyiv.
Rode Hoed

A Way Forward, Beyond Essentialis

Dialogue between Szilvia Nagy (Central European University) and Prof dr. Madina Tlostanova (Linköping University)

Language, knowledge production, and representation

Lecture series on Decolonial and Postcolonial perspectives on the Eastern (of) Europe. Keynote by Prof Dr. Grazina Bielousova (University College London)
De Krook