Showing 1 - 12 of 16 results

Workshop 'Interethnic relations in times of wars: the case of Georgian/Abkhaz and Armenian/Azerbaijani relations'

Abkhaz, Armenians, Azerbaijani and Georgians have long co-existed in a region framed as the South Caucasus. These different ethnic categories result from socio-political constructions that are rarely questioned. Playing a pivotal role in the wars that have unfolded in the region, ethnic categorization is particularly central in shaping current antagonizations. Since the late 1980s, the coexistence of differently ethnicised populations in the South Caucasus has been deeply challenged by a series of conflicts, wars and pogroms. Since 24 February 2022, the co-existence of Abkhaz, Armenians, Azerbaijani and Georgians has been unfolding against the backdrop of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, bringing an additional layer of complexity.
United Nations University-CRIS (Bruges)

Symposium | War in Europe: The impact of Russian aggression in Ukraine 2 years on

Two years after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the war continues to cause extreme civilian harm and military casualties and has changed Ukrainian society to the core. Two years of war in Europe also changed perceptions of NATO and the defence policies of European countries, whilst the EU decided to open accession negotiations with Ukraine. Yet, war in the Middle East and rising tensions in Asia have also directed international attention away from Ukraine. Promised weapon deliveries materialise slower than foreseen, and public support for Ukraine is not as self-evident as it was just after the invasion.
Campus The Hague Leiden University

Relaunching decoloniality in/for the 21st century

Lecture series on Decolonial and Postcolonial perspectives on the Eastern (of) Europe. Keynote by Prof Dr. Madina Tlostanova (Linköping University).
Auditorium Marc Maes

Migration, coloniality and racism

Lecture series on Decolonial and Postcolonial perspectives on the Eastern (of) Europe. Keynote by Prof Dr. Dace Dzenovska (University of Oxford).
De Krook

Transatlantic Dialogues: Emma Ashford

European Energy Security, Economic Statecraft, and Relations with the United States in the Wake of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine