Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results

2nd Conference on Energy transition, Sustainability and Inclusive Development in Central Asia 2024

Europe and Central Asia are linked by decades of commodity trade, but also by developing climate cooperation. Yet Central Asia plays a limited role in the European public debate on global climate change and energy transition. Both global and local energy transitions pose significant challenges for Central Asia, given its rapidly growing population, ageing infrastructure, heavy dependence on fossil fuels and climate change. At the same time, the transition to renewable energy and the development of hydrogen production and net zero value chains offer new opportunities for all countries in the region. The conference is designed to attract a broad audience, including researchers, policy makers and members of civil society.
Press Club Brussels Europe

De Russische invasie in media

We leven in media. Alle aspecten van ons leven hebben op de een of andere manier te maken met media. Zo ook oorlog. Deze avond licht hoogleraar Mediastudies Mark Deuze toe op welke manieren media een rol spelen in de oorlog in Oekraïne.
Spui 25

.ua discussions

The .ua discussion Series aims to counter the information deficit that exists in the Netherlands about Ukraine and provide students and general public with a reliable commentary on Ukraine’s history, culture, society and politics.
Room D0.08 and online via Zoom