Showing 1 - 12 of 54 results

189th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) - EU enlargement by (post-)war Ukraine: Implications for the Agri-Food Markets

The seminar intends to bring a broad range of research disciplines together to discuss the effects of the Russian war against Ukraine on the agricultural sector in Ukraine, the EU, and non-EU countries. Further, the seminar aims at discussing the results of the scenario analyses of the economic impact of a further integration of Ukraine into European agri-food markets. The seminar offers a platform to exchange ideas and generate an integrated view of agricultural potential, value chain development, and public policy in the broad European context. The seminar primarily addresses the scientific community but is also open to decision-makers in business, politics, and NGOs, including the donor community.
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland

20th Anniversary of the 2004 NATO Enlargement

On March 29, 2004, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia formally acceded to NATO in what was the biggest enlargement round in the history of the Alliance. Since then, the seven countries, which represent much of NATO‘s eastern flank, have contributed extensively to the implementation of NATO‘s core tasks and policy priorities, and to this day remain among the most active and supportive members of the Alliance. Since Lithuania hosted the NATO Summit in 2023 and the Netherlands are poised to host one in 2025, this event will provide a unique opportunity to combine an anniversary celebration and a focused discussion on the past, present and future of the North Atlantic Alliance. This event, therefore, will focus both on highlighting the impact of the 2004 enlargement, as well as the challenges NATO faces on its eastern flank and how the Alliance can face those.
Clingendael Institute

Symposium | War in Europe: The impact of Russian aggression in Ukraine 2 years on

Two years after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the war continues to cause extreme civilian harm and military casualties and has changed Ukrainian society to the core. Two years of war in Europe also changed perceptions of NATO and the defence policies of European countries, whilst the EU decided to open accession negotiations with Ukraine. Yet, war in the Middle East and rising tensions in Asia have also directed international attention away from Ukraine. Promised weapon deliveries materialise slower than foreseen, and public support for Ukraine is not as self-evident as it was just after the invasion.
Campus The Hague Leiden University

Course on Russian Religious Philosophy

Given the current geo-political situation, have you wondered which philosophers influenced Putin's perspective on Russia? Additionally, what alternatives does Russian thought offer to his "Russian World" ideology? Come explore the religious-philosophical sources which contribute to this discussion and the role of religion in present-day Russia, by joining the course Russian Religious Philosophy in the Silver Age.
Radboud University Nijmegen

Poetins oorlog: geschiedenis als wapen

Poetin stortte Europa in de grootste oorlog sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Nog steeds fascineert de vraag waarom hij eigenhandig het pad van de vernietiging koos. Hoe radicaliseerde Poetin? En op welke historische en religieuze gronden rechtvaardigt hij de oorlog?
Verschillende locaties

EASTSPLAINERS #9 // Film & Documentary

In the November edition of Eastsplainers, we explore cinematic representations of Central and Eastern Europe.

Eastsplainers #8: Performing Arts

For this session, we welcome Kasia Lech, Igone de Jongh, and Anna Seidl as our guests, who will address the challenges encountered by art performers during their migration experiences.

De toekomst van Oekraïne begint nu

Op maandag 30 oktober organiseert Raam op Rusland, in samenwerking met De Rode Hoed, de zevende Oktoberlezing. Net als vorig jaar wordt de lezing ook dit jaar gegeven door een Oekraïense gast: Daria Kaleniuk van het Anti-corruptie Actiecentrum (AntAC) uit Kyiv.
Rode Hoed

A Way Forward, Beyond Essentialis

Dialogue between Szilvia Nagy (Central European University) and Prof dr. Madina Tlostanova (Linköping University)

Language, knowledge production, and representation

Lecture series on Decolonial and Postcolonial perspectives on the Eastern (of) Europe. Keynote by Prof Dr. Grazina Bielousova (University College London)
De Krook

Eastsplainers #7: Indigenous Communities

In the October edition of Eastsplainers, we devote our attention to indigenous communities from Central and Eastern Europe, and from the Russian Federation in particular.