Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results

189th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) - EU enlargement by (post-)war Ukraine: Implications for the Agri-Food Markets

The seminar intends to bring a broad range of research disciplines together to discuss the effects of the Russian war against Ukraine on the agricultural sector in Ukraine, the EU, and non-EU countries. Further, the seminar aims at discussing the results of the scenario analyses of the economic impact of a further integration of Ukraine into European agri-food markets. The seminar offers a platform to exchange ideas and generate an integrated view of agricultural potential, value chain development, and public policy in the broad European context. The seminar primarily addresses the scientific community but is also open to decision-makers in business, politics, and NGOs, including the donor community.
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland

Studiedag Levende Talen Russisch

We nodigen alle belangstellenden uit Nederland en Vlaanderen van harte uit om deel te nemen en hopen ook veel studenten te mogen verwelkomen.

Studiedag Russische en Oekraïense taal en literatuur

Met veel genoegen nodigen we u uit voor onze studiedag, die ook dit jaar georganiseerd wordt in samenwerking met Russische Studies van de Universiteit Leiden. We bieden u onderstaand programma aan met lezingen, workshops, een vertaalwedstrijd en een borrel

The Looming Global Food Crisis

This international workshop investigates the short and longer-term implications for food security and agrarian (geo)politics, as well as some unacknowledged drivers of the crisis.
Aula A

Dutch-Russian museum conference: Sustainable Dialogues 2021

The third edition of the Dutch-Russian museum conference Sustainable Dialogues brings together professionals from the museums and heritage field in the two countries in order to contribute to the continuity of the cultural dialogue between Russia and The Netherlands.