Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results

The Samarkand Cotton Mill that Very Nearly Was

This paper offers a rebuttal to the long-standing narrative about a prohibition on the development of cotton mills in Tsarist Central Asia.
Johan Huizinga

Celebrating Platform Oosters Christendom's 1-year anniversary

On Friday 16 June 2023, the Institute for Eastern Christian Studies (IvOC) celebrates the first anniversary of the Platform Oosters Christendom. There is a uniquely interactive programme designed around the theme “Orthodoxy on the move”, complete with short seminars and a panel discussion with renowned speakers.
Open Universiteit Nijmegen, room 1.10 (1st floor)

Lecture 'Milestones Toward an Independent Ukraine, 1944-2022'

Prof. David R. Marples will speak about Ukraine's modern history. The lecture covers the various manifestations of Ukrainian self-assertion and aspirations toward independence and democracy from the end of WW2.
Campus Boekentoren, auditorium M